HI! This week has been a little chaotic, but exciting. We've confirmed our demo date and I had the opportunity to voice act as Lady Ophelia, which was a very enjoyable experience. I have always wanted to do voice acting so I was very happy to take the role. I had to re-record a few lines, but I believe the outcome is good. I wasn't the only one who did voice acting, Zahra, Matthew and Lexi also did some voice acting too. The lines that we recorded had some pops and clicks in them and as the sound designer, I was assigned to remove them and clear up the sounds. I have experience editing sounds and of course, making music so I was best suited for the role.
I'm going to be honest, cleaning the voiceovers was a nightmare. It was not the experience I expected at all. I literally used 3 different programs (Logic Pro, Audacity and WavePad) but only one of them kind of did the job. I am not totally happy with the outcome, but voiceovers have come far from where they began. The first issue was that all of the voice-overs were VERY quiet. Like, dog whistle quiet, you could only barely make out a few words. However, when it comes to audio amplification is not a major issue, you always can increase the volume.
The major issue that I faced could have been solved easily when recording. We only needed to use a pop filter, and we actually had one and didn't use it. As a person who has previous experience using music equipment, I don't know what possessed me to not suggest that we all use the pop filter when recording our lines but if I had, I wouldn't have struggled so greatly. Without the use of the pop filter, there were some breathy/windy parts in our audio as well as pops and clicks. I actually hit a wall many times when it came to cleaning up the voice lines, but thankfully I have a friend who is studying music and they were able to give their advice. In the end, I managed to minimise them as much as I could by isolating the vocals and using noise gating. I also edited Zahra's line to sound muffled as her line is delivered from behind a door in the narrative.
Once we had the edited voiceovers we started to implement them while making the cutscenes. Using Unity's timeline I worked closely with the two programmers to implement the sounds. We implemented the sounds well to fit the different atmospheres. For example, the masquerade ball. We drowned out the music playing from the ball while the cutscene went on to connect the ballroom to the study (the study is located within the mansion).
That is all I have to share for this week!
Dabrina <3